

A sonnet is a 14 line poem written in iambic pentameter
with 10 syllables per line. Each type of sonnet has its own
specific meter and rhyme scheme. A petrarchan sonnet consists
of 1 octave and 1 sestet (an eight line stanza and 6 line stanza)
with an abbaabba cdcdcd rhyme scheme. The opening octave
usually poses an issue that is resolved in the following sestet.
A Shakespearean sonnet consists of 3 quatrains and 1 couplet
(3 four line stanzas and 1 two line stanza) and has an abab
cdcd efef gg rhyme scheme. The quatrains are used to
explore a subject from 3 different angles while the
couplet acts to summarize.

A Cricket's Call

Precarious, I ponder why I sit
in strange positions knowing I will fall.
My limbs in tangles, twists and turns and all.
I know the story, I cannot admit.
You see, I tried to climb a tree to fit
My song into the night. Despite my small
Physique, I cry a blaring cricket call.
But then, a branch! So bold and brash, would hit.

So now, I lay on wood and wonder how
My life has truly come to this. A sad
And lonely insect?! I cannot allow.
I gather all my strength and take a stand
Against the silence. Join my musicale!
I sing a sonnet, much like this, I’m glad.